Materials for American Omelet:
- Non Stick Pan
- High Heat Spatula
- Mixing Bowl
- Whisk or Fork
Main Ingredients:
- Eggs
- Butter/Oil
*Pro Tip: I like to go with the 3 eggs to 1 person ratio for my omelets.
Optional Ingredients:
Fillings: Vegetables, proteins, leftovers, cheeses
Goal for American Omelet:
Texture: Crispy outer layer but still soft center.
Color: Light golden brown.
Guide for American Omelet:
- Crack eggs into a bowl and whisk until no visible clear spots (egg whites).
- Heat pan to medium and add oil or butter.
- Cook fillings first in the pan.
- Pro Tip: Cook’s choice to cook the filling first or after you add the eggs. I like my filling to be more integrated into the omelet which is why I choose to cook/heat the filling first. If you like it more to be an actual filling then skip to the next step.
- Once filling is warmed, add the eggs to the mix and stir to cook a little before letting it settle.
- Move some of the edges around or tilt the pan to help some of the more liquid-y eggs cook a bit.
- Once eggs are slightly set and nothing jiggles too much, use your spatula to help the edges unstick and move the pan back and forth to release the omelet from the pan for easy plating.
- Pro Tip: The top of the omelet (which will actually be the inside) still has a bit uncooked look to it, with a little bit of glossiness. I tend to look for a decent bounce or jiggle when I shake the pan and avoid any eggs that seem to run like a gushing river.
- Pro Tip: You can check the bottom to see if its beginning or has been browned a bit as well. If not, you can keep cooking a bit longer.
- The plating process is all gravity and control! Tilt and shake lightly to get the omelet’s edge just off the edge of the pan. Then get it close to your plate and get half the omelet onto it. Once half is on the plate tilt the pan even more to get the second half to fold over.
- Serve and Enjoy!
Try These Eggs With:
- Make an omelet with all the fillings you want and stuff it in a sandwich. It makes somewhat of a neater sammy!
- Top it on fried rice!