chayote cakes

Chayote Cakes

Once again, checking out our local market we found an ingredient neither of us is familiar with nor have we had it in any dish, the Chayote fruit! So, we bought some and wanted to get to know the ingredient through research and experimentation. Learn more about the chayote squash here. Carlienne’s Chayote Cakes Materials […]

chayote compote

Chayote Compote

Once again, checking out our local market we found an ingredient neither of us is familiar with nor have we had it in any dish, the Chayote fruit! So, we bought some and wanted to get to know the ingredient through research and experimentation. Learn more about the chayote squash here. One of the things […]

chayote squash

Chayote Squash: Episode Two | What the F is this?!

Though the chayote squash has made its way around the world and integrated into many cuisines, the “vegetable pear” may still be unfamiliar ingredient to many in the States. The chayote is part of the gourd family and is actually botanically classified as a fruit, but is often treated like a vegetable. It’s often compared […]

burdock root (gobo)

Gobo/Burdock Root: Episode One | What the F is this?!

Gobo (牛蒡) is the Japanese word for greater burdock root (Arctium lappa), which is part of the thistle family. Burdock root is also known as niúbàng (牛蒡) in Chinese, ueong (우엉) in Korean, and bardana or garduna in Italy, Brazil and Portugal. While the stalks and leaves are edible, the most commonly eaten part of […]

Shoyu Roasted Burdock Root (Gobo)

Follow my blog with Bloglovin Gobo, Japanese for Burdock root, is not the most common cooking ingredient, but chances are, you’ve seen it in the market. A quick search will result in the braised burdock root recipes, kinpira gobo, which is a common Japanese (and also Korean) side dish, but there are tons of other […]

burdock (gobo) tea with lemongrass

Burdock Root (Gobo) Tea with Lemongrass

If you’ve never heard of gobo, you’re not alone. Gobo is the Japanese word for burdock root, but it also goes by many other names in various Asian cuisines. While it is Native to Eastern Europe and Asia, it’s lost a bit of its popularity in Europe, where it started primarily as a tea or […]

burdock root (gobo) chips, 3 ways

Burdock Root and Peppercorn Chips (3 ways)

Burdock root is an unusual root that one has probably seen but just doesn’t know what to do with. With a Google search you’ll find that the only recipe that comes up is Kinpira Gobo which is a lovely Japanese braised burdock root, but there are so many things you can do with this ingredient. […]