Fresh egg pasta: cut pasta noodles

The Simplest Fresh Egg Pasta Recipe

To Adrienne’s great delight, we’re continuing our fresh pasta series with this tweaked recipe for what we consider the simplest fresh egg pasta recipe. You can check out our previous 3 popular pasta recipes test here, which led us to our combo recipe that we’re excited to share with you today! Part of the challenge […]

fresh pasta

Fresh Pasta Experiment (Pt 1)

We’re starting a new journey today! I haven’t made pasta since culinary school so when it comes to make them from scratch I’m basically a rookie! With Adrienne loving her pastas, I thought it would be great to start a new series learning and relearning some of our favorite noodles: from ramen and to vermicelli […]

Cooking with Carlienne: wine

How to Seal the Valentine’s Day Deal!

One of the biggest Hallmark holidays are coming: Valentine’s day! The day that many of us, mostly in the States, go out of our way to do a little something special for that special someone. The goal of your special meal is not just to cook great food but to create an experience, so the food itself is only one component of the whole.